

PEAR_ErrorStack::push() -- Add an error to the stack

Backwards Compatibility Warning


As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception object in PHP5. Code that relies upon this behavior will break.


If the message generator exists, it is called with 2 parameters.

  • the current Error Stack object

  • an array that is in the same format as an error. Available indices are 'code', 'package', 'time', 'params', 'level', and 'context'

Next, if the error should contain context information, this is handled by the context grabbing method. Finally, the error is pushed onto the proper error stack


integer $code

Package-specific error code

string $level

Error level. This is NOT spell-checked

array $params

associative array of error parameters

string $msg

Error message, or a portion of it if the message is to be generated

array $repackage

If this error re-packages an error pushed by another package, place the array returned from pop() in this parameter

array $backtrace

Protected parameter: use this to pass in the that should be used to find error context.

Return value

returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown. If the class Exception exists, then one is returned to allow code like:
1      throw ($stack->push(MY_ERROR_CODE, 'error', array('username' => 'grob')));

The errorData property of the exception class will be set to the array that would normally be returned. If a PEAR_Error is returned, the userinfo property is set to the array

Otherwise, an array is returned in this format:
1      array(
2         'code' => $code,
3         'params' => $params,
4         'package' => $this->_package,
5         'level' => $level,
6         'time' => time(),
7         'context' => $context,
8         'message' => $msg,
9      //['repackage' => $err] repackaged error array
10     );


No exceptions thrown.


This function can not be called statically.

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