PHP Designer 2005 |
Version: 3.0.6
License(s): Commercial, Other
Price: from 39 to 499 EUR +VAT (depends on the number of licenses), free for personal
Platform(s): Windows
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PHP Designer 2005 Description |
Details from the site below:
Whether you are an experienced web professional or just a novice starting writing your first PHP script, PHP Designer 2005 is designed to provide you with the complete set of tools you need to speed up your coding with code parameter hint and syntax colouring.
PHP Designer 2005 brings you a deployment environment that combines PHP, HTML, XHTML, CSS and SQL (Ingres, Interbase, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sybase and Standard SQL) packed in one single program with build-in dialogs/wizards, access to common code/script libraries, utilities and procedures in a nice and elegant design.
PHP Designer 2005 includes extra tools for example a FTP client, FTP manager, code templates, file manager, project manager, ToDo manager, snippet support, AutoCorrect, AutoComplete, AutoStart, bookmark support, export possibility (LaTex, HTML and RTF), Google Search and a lot moreā¦
PHP Designer 2005 comes with a user-friendly and customizable XP interface with over 18 different themes to choose between.
* New. Debugger. Integration of the PHP interpreter. Shortcut: F5 (requires PHP, ;
* New. Capitalize the first letter of each word (Title Case)
* New. Popup menu (Save/Close) is now linked to the toolbar where you switch between your documents.
* New. Editor syntax. Syntax navigation through your click in the demo code.
* New. Editor options. Scroll past end of line.
* Fixed. HTML to PHP. Echo / Print / Comment on every line (before it makes all the text backwards)
* Fixed. HTML to PHP. Better enable when selecting/unselecting text.
* Fixed. Dialog: Form button. Correct output.
* Fixed. Bracket highlight. There where something wrong if you did not have the start bracket but only *the ending bracket.
* Fixed. Font color in file browser / FTP is now black as default.
* Fixed. Class browser. Only parse when we have to deal with a PHP file.
* Fixed. Font editor. Forgot to enable this feature. New icon.
* Fixed. HTML syntax. Forgot to enable this feature.
* Fixed. All files are now open maximized
* Fixed. The button for PHP variables has an "&" on it, but surely it would make more sense if it had an "$" on it.
* Fixed. Removed the shortcut for word-wrap "ctrl+w". ctrl+w is now a shortcut for closing the active document.
* Fixed. Removed the shortcut for next/previous window. (F5 / F6)
* Fixed. Internet shortcut. Manuals download (>;
PHP Designer 2005 Screenshot |
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PHP Designer 2005 Comments |
Fast PHP IDE with many features.
PHP Designer has a special features page right here on PHP Editors. Read more about the features, history, future as well as an interview with Michael Pham (the developer).
Read the PHP Designer Feature
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