Table of Contents
Class Summary Net_SMTP -- Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol using PEAR's Net_Socket:: class.
Introduction and Guide --  Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
constructor Net_SMTP::Net_SMTP() -- Instantiates a new Net_SMTP object, overriding any networkings with parameters that are passed in.
Net_SMTP::auth() -- Attempt to do SMTP authentication.
Net_SMTP::connect() -- Attempt to connect to the SMTP server.
Net_SMTP::data() -- Send the DATA command to start message body
Net_SMTP::disconnect() -- Attempt to disconnect from the SMTP server.
Net_SMTP::getResponse() -- Return a 2-tuple containing the last response from the SMTP server.
Net_SMTP::helo() -- Send the HELO command.
Net_SMTP::identifySender() -- Backwards-compatibility method.identifySender()'s functionality is now handled internally.
Net_SMTP::mailFrom() -- Send the MAIL FROM: command.
Net_SMTP::noop() -- Send the NOOP command.
Net_SMTP::quotedata() -- Quote the data so that it meets SMTP standards.
Net_SMTP::rcptTo() -- Send the RCPT TO: command.
Net_SMTP::rset() -- Send the RSET command.
Net_SMTP::saml_from() -- Send the SAML FROM: command.
Net_SMTP::send_from() -- Send the SEND FROM: command.
Net_SMTP::setDebug() -- Set the value of the debugging flag.
Net_SMTP::soml_from() -- Send the SOML FROM: command.
Net_SMTP::vrfy() -- Send the VRFY command.
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