- templateDir
This is the directory where all your templates are located
- compileDir
The directory where the compiled templates will be stored, This directory should be writable by the web
- forceCompile
Normally 0, means that the template will only be compiled once (or if the template file is altered),
this is only really usefull if you are developing filters and need to test the result.
- debug
The default debugging level (default 0=off), 1= shows some debugging information
- locale
Default is 'en' - english. The language use for reading/writing templates.
Currently it is only used in the compiled files filename = eg. originalname.html.en.php
Flexy uses get_text() internally if it is installed, and will replace all strings in a HTML page
with the return value of get_text(). - This enables the creation of multilanguage sites with a little less pain.
A file {templatename}.strings.serial is created for each file that is parsed, you can use this with PHP's
unserialize function to retrieve an array of all the strings in a file. (for translating), or just use
the tool xgettext.
- compiler
Default is 'Flexy' - The Flexy Tokenizer Driver engine. Other engines available are
regex (similar to Xipe's engine), Raw (For plain PHP files with no replacement or compiling)
and Standard (depreciated).
You can use this field to load your own engines, either based
Off the core code, or totally seperate..
- multiSource
Default is false - Allow the same template to exist in multiple places
(eg. if you have theme's and want to fall back to a default template
if the themed version doesnt exist.)
- templateDirOrder
Default is '' - by default, the first matched template is used,
if you have multiple paths, and want the last in the list to be used,
then set this to 'reverse'
- filters
an array or comma seperated string of filters ONLY USED BY THE Regex backend,
available filters are: BodyOnly (strip everything before and after body tag),
Mail (add an extra line break after php tags.),
Php (removes php code, not very reliably),
SimpleTags (variable, method etc. replacement),
XML (replace XML opening tag with echos.)
- nonHTML
default is false - if you use the Flexy compiler, it turns off parsing of HTML,
(not heavily tested)
- allowPHP
default is false - allows php code in templates, normally off to help you
reduce the chance of you shooting your self in the foot by forgetting to
escape output.. (can be usefull for complex looping), but not normally recommended.
setting to true, enables PHP code, setting to 'delete' removes php code. (although it
doesnt prevent XSS attacks, so it is only suited to trusted users)
- flexyIgnore
default is false - setting to true, will turn off the conversion of html form
elements into HTML_Template_Flexy_Element's
- numberFormat
default is ",2,'.',','" - this is the piece of code that is appended
to the output engine when using the :n modifier, eg. {xxxx:n} is replaced with
number_format($t->xxxx,2,'.',','); seen the php manual page for number_format
the default output would be: 1,200.00
- url_rewrite
when compiling the template flexy can rewrite
<img src,
<script src,
<a href
and xul stylesheet urls. The format is
"match/original:new/url, match/another/original:new/url"
each combo is seperated by a comma, and the colon seperates the pair.
This helps previewing templates without using the engine.
- compileToString
default false - if set tot try, the compile will return a string of the
compiled template, rather than writing it to the cache file. eg.
- privates
default false - if set to true, you can access variables prefixed with
an underscore (normally private in PEAR's coding standards)
eg. {someobject._myprivatevar} and {_myprivate}
- globals
default false - if set to true, you can access php's globals and superglobals,
eg. {_POST[myvar]}, {GLOBALS[somevalue]}
- globalfunctions
default false - if set to true, you can access any native php function using the GLOBALS.
prefix eg. {GLOBALS.date(#d/m/Y#)} obviously you should trust your template authors,
as they can easily run exec() if this is enabled.
- locale
default 'en' - either used to search for language specific templates
with {filename}.{locale}.{extension} or in conjunction with the Translation2
language translation toolkit, to set the language used to
translate templates to at compile time.
- Translation2
default false - you can set this to an array or an existing Translation2 object
eg. Translation2 => array('driver'=>'dataobjectsimple', options=>array()));
- strict
default false - By default warnings about undefined variabes are hidden,
this turns on all PHP warnings during the outputObject calls. Can be usefull
for finding bugs hidden by method callbacks.
- fatalError
default constant HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE - this determines the behaviour
when compiling a template fails, normally flexy will die and report the error to
the screen, you can change this to HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_RETURN, if you want
to recieve a PEAR_Error object from compile().
- plugins
loads plugin classes, (by default from the Plugin folder), these can be used either
via {plugin.nameofmethod} or as a modifier {outputstring:dateformat}, default formats
are normally collected via configuration options plugin.dateformat,
plugin.numberformat.decimals, plugin.numberformat.point, plugin.numberformat.thousands