// ok lets see what is going on..
$person = new DataObjects_Person;
// to generate "person.id as id , person.name as name ......."
// to generate a restricted list.. "person.age as age , person.name as name"
// using another object.
$car = new DataObjects_Car;
// this is the first car (
$car->use = 'first';
// using the joinadd add the car..
// now add all the select columns for the car eg. "car.id as car_id, car.name as car_name ...."
$person->selectAs($car, 'car_%s');
// select only a few columns from the car table.
// note you have to use the table name at the end..
$person->selectAs(array('color','topspeed'), 'car_%s','car');
// now the user can have a second car....
$secondcar = new DataObjects_Car;
$secondcar->use = 'second';
// now since we alreay have one car, the sql statement would get messy
// so we are joining this as the second car "FROM person INNER JOIN car ..... , car as secondcar WHERE .....
// and we can now add all the columns
// "secondcar.id as secondcar_id, secondcar.name as secondcar_name ........
// note that you must use the last field as the SECONDCAR.ID format uses the 'AS' name, rather than the
// objects real table name 'car'
$person->selectAs($secondcar, 'secondcar_%s','secondcar');
// ok fire of a query...
while ($person->fetch()) {
?> |