Documenting files
The <file> tag is almost identical to package.xml 1.0. Required
attributes are name and role.
Optional attributes are baseinstalldir and md5sum. Optional attributes
platform and install-as have been replaced by the
release tags.
Specifically, <install> is used to specify install-as, and the
<ignore> tag can be used in conjunction with <installconditions>
to exclude packages from being installed on particular platforms.
For those familiar with the platform attribute, the way to handle this example:
<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script" install-as="foo.bat" platform="windows">
is to in fact create two release sections. The file tag would then look like:
<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script">
and the release section would look like this:
<install name="scripts/foo.bat" as="foo.bat"/>
<ignore name="scripts/foo.bat"/>
Note that the second <phprelease> tag could just as easily have had an <installconditions>
tag containing <os>unix</os>, but this is unnecessary, as the second release will be
processed on any system that is not a windows system.